Truckee / Tahoe Area: Truckee River Bike Path: Start 1/2 mile south of Squaw Valley Turn- off on Highway 89. Ski to Tahoe City and back, or even farther South along the West shore of Lake Tahoe to Blackwood Canyon. (Note that the traffic and hill danger increase south of Tahoe City).
Frontage Road north of Interstate 80 between Kingvale & Soda Springs exits. Excellent! Little traffic brand new pavement, some hills. Enjoy! Rick Eckert.
Blackwood Canyon: 5 miles South of Tahoe City on Highway 89. 2.5 miles of good road with little traffic. Gradual uphill.
Boca Reservoir: 5 miles East of Truckee, take Hirchdale exit from Interstate 80. Follow signs to Boca / Stampede. Great pavement, very rolling terrain for 8 miles with some steeper hills.