The all terrain adventure ski that you can use almost anywhere
The large pneumatic tires provide an exceptionally smooth ride
The patented Brake and Speed Reducers are standard
The three wheels make the ski very stable
No Ski Boots required!
The V2 NX-XL150RC-EZ is the all-terrain roller ski you can use almost anywhere, and no ski boots are required. What makes the NX-XL150RC-EZ so much better than previous Nordixc models is the new EZC binding system. An athletic shoe in the new EZ Binding feels like a good ski boot in a classic ski binding. The NX-XL150RC comes standard with the proven speed reducers and our latest brake. The new brake design is even more effective than our highly praised original brake, patented in 2010. Also included is an instructional video, Becoming a Better Skier. The NX-XL150RC-EZ is based on the proven and stable Aero V2-XL150RC roller skis, a model that has become very popular with roller ski adventurers around the world. The large pneumatic tires make for an exceptionally smooth ride. The three wheel design makes the ski very stable, which is important when skiing long distances, as most accidents happen when a skier becomes tired.
On V2 Aero roller skis, Carolyn and Santi Ocariz skied across the US from South Carolina to San Francisco (Read about their trip in the Gear Review). Phil Shaw skied from the Atlantic in Canada to Vancouver. Skiers have crossed Australia, New Zealand, and Ireland and skied from the boot of Italy to the top of Norway on the V2 Aero roller skis. Skiers in over 30 countries have used the V2 Aeros on surfaces that were impossible to cover without pneumatic tire roller skis, speed reducers and brakes. In 2014, Champion biathlete Raimonds Dombrovskis re-enacted his epic 1989 journey, skiing from the northernmost city in Canada to the Mexican border. He used V2 Aero roller skis for non-paved surfaces. Raimonds lives in Latvia and is a huge fan of the V2 Aero roller skis.There have been many incredible ventures on V2 Aero roller skis, but one of the most impressive was Alex Nilsson, who celebrated his 70th birthday by skiing from Vancouver in Canada to St. John’s in Newfoundland. He roller skied 6,800 kilometers and averaged 80 kilometers a day. Alex used three different pair of V2 roller skis, but he spent most of his time on the Aero XL150 RC.
The EZC Binding System for Classic Technique – The toe and heel supports are fastened to the pivotal foot platform providing a monolithic unit with exceptional lateral stability. The binding system is designed to accommodate a variety of different shoes. We have tried many brands including Nike, Adidas, Asics, Reebok, Salomon and Hoka One One. For the binding system to function properly, the toe and heel geometry must be that of conventional athletic shoes, where the heel and toe are wider at the bottom of the sole, tapering inward toward the top. Minimalist shoes, sometimes called barefoot shoes, like XERO, do not taper inward and will not work. The primary adjustment for different shoe sizes is the movable structure that holds the pivotal platform and toe support. It can be shortened or lengthened on the shaft from the nominal mounting position by 24mm (.95″). In Figure 2 you can see four flathead screws mounted to the shaft in the nominal position. The secondary adjustment is the movable heel support shown in Figure 3.
To reduce stress on the binding, the original metal platform has been replaced with a flexible polypropylene platform, similar to the platforms used on the original NordiXC models. Polyproylene has good fatigue resistance, so is the material of choice for all plastic hinges. The toe binding system can pivot 90°, but then comes to a stop, metal agaist metal. This is shown in Figure 6. If a skier tries to push the foot beyond 90° with a stiff platform, there will be high stresses on the platform and binding. The poypropylene platform flexes, as depicted in Figure 7, so there is minimal stress on the binding. While the 3.2mm thick platform is very flexible in the forward direction, the 80mm wide platform is laterally very stable because stiffness is a cube function of the thickness in the direction that force is applied.The 80mm wide platform controls the lateral motion and is over 10,000 times stiffer than the 3.2mm thick platform in the forward flex direction. The 1/8″ 93.2mm) rubber rings we used for binding tension varied greatly from lot to lot. Some lasted 100,000 cycles while others only 3,000 cycles. We now use very reliable 1/8″ (3.2mm) bungee cord.
The bungee is made up of 12 very thin elastic strands that are protected with a strong nylon casing. Numerous tests by independent laboratories show that the bungee cords can be stretched 100% over a million cycles. Figure 7 shows how far in our durability testing the polypropylene platform was bent fromthe horizontal position. After 547,000 bending cycles on the durability machine the platform and bungee showed no visible damage.
At this time, the NX-XL150RC-EZ is not sold through our dealers and can only be purchased directly from Jenex.
Our DVD , “Becoming a Better Skier”, is included with our NordiXC packages
NXL150RC-EZ BASIC PACKAGE- $659.00 Includes the ski with binding system, speed reducers, brake, our shock pump and DVD
NXL125RC-EZ BASIC PACKAGE- $649.00 Includes the ski with binding system, speed reducers, brake, our shock pump and DVD
W150C front wheel, W125RC rear wheels 165lb weight limit for the NXL125-RC
Includes the ski with binding system, speed reducers, brake, our shock pump, aluminum Nordixc poles (sizes 140-150 only) and DVD
Includes the ski with binding system, speed reducers, brake, our shock pump, our Carbon Poles (cut to any size) and DVD
(Our 4th generation Vasa poles have new competition grips and the best roller ski ferrules on the market.)
” We consider V2 ferrules to be hands down the best ferrules on the market. Over the entire duration of the trip, we only broke one tip. The only reason it broke is because I ran straight into it with the roller-ski while it was planted in the ground. We have yet to find another brand of ferrule that matches up to V2’s”–Santi Ocariz
Don’t forget your ROLLER SKI GLOVES for excellent all-over protection from sun, wind, blisters and scrapes!