Frequently Asked Questions
Can I place my order with you online?
At this time, we do not accept orders through the website. Our loyal dealers helped us to build our business, so we ask that you first try to find a dealer near you by entering your zipcode on our find a dealer page.. If you cannot find a local dealer, or if your local dealer does not stock the item you are looking for, you can place your order directly with us by telephone at 603-672-2600 or by contacting us through our contact form.
My skis won’t track straight. What should I do?
When we assemble the roller skis, we use a special jig to make sure the wheels are properly alligned. Tracking issues can be caused by several factors. The binding placement is important, and if the binding is off it can cause tracking issues. If you are not maintaining your skis or have experienced a crash, you can cause tracking issues. Most often, tracking issues are simply related to your physiology. No one is perfectly symetrical from left to right! For this reason, we have created tracking corrections on our skis. The Aero models and the 9848 models have a small device on the fork that can be adjusted forward and back to help you correct the tracking. The 98 and 900 models have one slightly oblong hole in the fork, allowing for minor adjustments to the wheel axle to help correct tracking. Refer to your ski instruction sheets to find out how to use these corrections. If you don’t have your instruction sheet, you can download instructions from our site. If the tracking devices do not correct your issues, contact us for advice.
Why are my Aero wheel tubes going flat so often?
It is pretty rare to have a defective tube. Most often, flats are the result of improper maintenance. It is VERY important to keep the tubes properly inflated. The W150 has a recommended minimum pressure of 90psi, and the W125 has a recommended minimum pressure of 85psi. The tubes are very small, so you should check the pressure before every ski. Running under pressure will cause the tubes to rub inside the tire, and can also cause the valve stem to shift, creating weak spots and leaks. The valve stem can be a trouble spot for some skiers. It’s a tight fit when the wheel is on the ski, so it can be difficult to get to the valve stem. Over manipulating the valve stem when inflating the tubes can cause weak spots. We recommend using Aquaseal around the valve stem if this is a trouble spot for you. Properly clean the tube, apply the Aquaseal and allow to cure for 48 hours. This will strengthen the area around the valve stem . Lastly, be sure to use a Shock pump to inflate your tubes. It provides the best fit for the valve and a reliable psi reading.
Why do my Aero skis feel slow and unresponsive?
Most likely, you are not keeping the wheels inflated to the correct pressure. 90psi is the recommended minimum inflation for any W150, and 85psi is the recommended minimum inflation for the W125. If you are not skiing in a super hot area, 95-100psi is safe for the W150.
Why is my Clutch wheel slipping?
If you are using the W150C, check your tire inflation. An under inflated wheel will cause the clutch mechanism to malfunction.
Remember that roller skiing causes lots of vibration, which can loosen bolts and screws. It’s important to check all screws and bolts often. The clutch wheel needs a lot of torque on the nut in order to function properly. Most often, the nut has loosened somewhat, causing the clutch to slip. Simply tightening the nut on the axle bolt will correct the issue.
If you notice the clutch wheel slipping, stop immediately and tighten the wheel. Skiing on a slipping wheel will damage some of the components that are necessary for the clutch to work. If you have skied on a slipping wheel for some time, you may need to add a lock washer between the wheel spacer and the fork to get the clutch working again.
Free wheels should be tightened to just firm. Do not over-tighten or the wheel will not spin freely. However, the clutch wheel needs the correct amount of pressure in order to function properly. If possible, use a torque wrench to tighten the wheel to 120-140in-pounds(16 Newton Meters). It’s best to place a small amount of grease on the nut and bolt threads before tightening. If you do not have a torque wrench, you will need more pressure than the free wheel, but not enough to damage the wheel bearings.
What would you recommend for Classic skiing on fairly flat bike paths?
For flat roads and paths in decent condition, you want the classic skis with some resistance, otherwise you will find you won’t stride well and will be mostly double poling. The XLA910 and XLC910 are the slowest classic skis and will provide the resistance you need to be able to stride on flats or slight grades. The XLA9848S or XLC9848S is a slow classic ski with larger, wider wheels for flats that might have poor conditions like lots of small cracks.
I want to roller ski in an area that is quite hilly with some fairly steep grades. The roads are mostly chip sealed. What skis would be best for those conditions?
The Aero models were designed to handle less than perfect road conditions like chip seal, packed dirt or roads with larger cracks. For Skating we recommend the XL150S, for classic the XL150RC (a three-wheeled ski). The Aero wheels will help reduce vibration and will roll over far more debris and uneven conditions than our hard-wheel models. In addition, the Speed Reducers and Brake are more effective on the pneumatic tires as they can ‘bite’ into the wheel a bit harder than on a hard-wheel ski. For this reason, the Aero modles are the safest for hilly terrain.