-5°C / +1°C fine old cold & glazing
Developed as a collaboration between Star Ski Wax’s Davide Mosele and Caldwell Sport’s Zach Caldwell, this kick wax addresses the higher moisture and older snow conditions. These M waxes are Klister mixes, developed by Zach Caldwell over a 20 year period! This series was created to fill a gap when hard wax won’t kick well, due to the issue that hard waxes can pick up ice in cold fresh snow conditions.
“We have refined the blends to yield really outstanding speed characteristics…they’re not just there for the kick. We have years of racing success behind the original mix recipes, and {during the 2021/2022 season} witht eh Star versions we were able to provide wax to a hwider range of skier, and had many really positive reports of success”- Zach Caldwell